Hi, I’m Kat, mummy to Davey just turned 4 and Cleo 23 months, trying to get through this lockdown just like every other mummy/parent out there. We’ve had some highs and some lows but I think we are struggling through (with the help of vodka) as best we can and I’m going to share some of it with you… so here goes! So, until last…
I’m so delighted to share this account of lockdown life from my lovely friend Vicki who is a mum to a 2 year old (‘E’), a wife (to ‘T’) and a secondary school teacher. Yikes. The juggle is real. —————————————— ‘Find a new hobby; learn something new’. Pah. Ok then. How about we just focus on getting through this s**t one day at a time.…
Two people have said ‘coronacoaster’ to me so far today and YES, AIN’T THAT THE TRUTH. Those who follow me on Instagram will know that I’ve been keen to share some stories from mums during lockdown. And I thought that I couldn’t really do that without my own babbling account of it first. So here I am. I’m currently sat in our summerhouse at the…
These past 725 weeks of lockdown have been all of the following; weird, scary, fun, simple, challenging, lonely, warming, connecting, creative, worrying, inspiring, unfamiliar, tiring, uplifting. Quite the collection. Such a mega lifestyle change. In so many ways. And when big change happens I am usually the first to initially go HEY NO, WAIT GUYS, THAT’S NOT HOW THIS WORKS? I’M OUTTA HERE before taking…