September 2017 and John and I were heading into our final NHS funded round of IVF. Round number 3. Two frozen embryos left in storage at Create Fertility in St Pauls, London. I’d already taken a 3 month sabbatical from work earlier in 2017 to allow time for a few rounds, the second one ending in the cervical ectopic pregnancy you can read about here.…
Something I’ve struggled with this year is the reality that a full time office job (although I’m lucky to work one day a week from home) is a bit of a sedentary life. I’ve worked in an office set up for years now. Almost 10 years in TV, 2.5 years at a record label (amazing amazingness) and before I went to uni another couple of…
So i’m just over one week in to 3 months of unpaid leave from my day job. First of all; eeeeeeeeeeeek! How lucky am I to: have a husband that didn’t balk at the idea when I mooted it over New Years Eve work at a company that supports your personal needs and desires as well as their bottom line have 3 MONTHS to…
Almost 3 years ago I came home and opened my kitchen food cupboard to be greeted by a whole host of utterly baffling packaged stuff. Pulses and seeds and lentils and powders and beans and legumes. Not a chocolate digestive in sight. Mr G had gone vegan. And I was in a huff. His story is a commendable one; man turns vegan initially for the…
Last week I got a cold. The sore throat started Thursday, intensified Friday and all weekend I’ve been holed up downing echinacea tea with Manuka honey swirled into it. I’m feeling slightly sorry for myself ok? No sooner am I finally healing from the laparoscopic surgery last month, adjusting to my diagnosis of endometriosis both physically but mainly emotionally, it seems my cleaned, newly relaxed…
Tuesday I had an unhealthy day. With some groggy pain stabbing around my abdomen I felt blue and resided mainly on the sofa. I didn’t meditate, didn’t read. Two things I have been enjoying daily recently. I didn’t make my morning turmeric fuelled juice. I watched the whole series of The Night Manager* back to back throughout the day and I ate crisps. A lot…