I’m so pleased to be able to share another real fertility story from guest blogger, Claire from Newcastle upon Tyne. Claire has had some real ups and downs but is currently expecting a baby this summer (2019). Claire suffers with endometriosis and also has low AMH. She also had real difficulties even undergoing fertility procedures without falling ill…read on for her full story. The road…
I remember it so clearly. My husband and I were both taking a day out from work back in 2015 and were hanging out in East London at a cafe. Which incidentally, makes us sound much, MUCH cooler than we are. I mean he did have a beard then and everything mind you. Anyway, this was when I took a call from the doctors clinic…
I am so touched to be able to share some real stories from people who have faced difficult fertility issues that have gone on, often against the odds, to become parents. Here, Rebecca from Scotland shares her story of her and her partners struggles with trying to conceive, the many hurdles and the magical ending. I hope these stories raise hope and encouragement and…
Wow. The title of this blog still blows my tiny, sleep deprived mind. But yes, I had a baby. 3 weeks ago. I got pregnant in Sept 2017 after round 3 of IVF. I carried a baby (almost) to term and now she’s out in the world, safe (I mean, ish…we’re new at this!) with me and her daddy. I purposefully kept the whole pregnancy…
“What I would say is, and this is probably the hardest thing to do, is just relax about it. There have been so many people that I’ve known who’ve gone through several rounds of IVF and nothing happens. And when they’ve given up, and gotten on with their lives, it miraculously happens naturally… Sometimes stress itself can have a very negative effect. So try…
You got me. I fibbed. Or rather, held back the truth, the whole truth. The sabbatical thing? It was all about trying to get pregnant via IVF. Well no. Not all about that. Say 90%. I wanted to make sure I was surrounded by comfort and freedom and daily options to promote happiness and calm into my world. To spend more time with the people…
I am 2 days away from doing one of the things that I love and that is talking about mixed martial arts and mixed martial artists with my good friend Dan Hardy. In fact, in order to hang with Dan as he talks effortlessly about the smallest details of the fight game, I must study. Again, something I love. However, even with my dream job…
Day 6 in hospital and I’m reflecting through very sore eyes, on all the messages I’ve received since my post about losing Little Bud. Life isn’t easy in a maternity block when in the middle of the night you hear little lamb like cries from the newborns being birthed just yards away. You take a moment to think ‘can I really hear that or am…