“Let’s not spend a fortune as it will all be temporary before we do the extension…” “How’s the house guys? Still going to do the extension?” This is a classic tale of girl meets boy, moves in with him, buys a house that they rather cheaply dec out because who has money for that when you’d rather go on holiday? And I’m mainly referring to…
September 2017 and John and I were heading into our final NHS funded round of IVF. Round number 3. Two frozen embryos left in storage at Create Fertility in St Pauls, London. I’d already taken a 3 month sabbatical from work earlier in 2017 to allow time for a few rounds, the second one ending in the cervical ectopic pregnancy you can read about here.…
So last week the Government announced more commitment to mental health services. Good. It’ll probably still fall really short of what’s required. But it’s a start. It’s only really in the last year that I’ve been intrigued by my own mind. Just how much does it influence my body, health and confidence? Am I limiting my own potential by clinging on to the tail of…