So I have decided to do one of those photo challenges that sometimes do the rounds on Instagram. Most of the time I think a big fat MEH to this sort of thing but this one is a subject close to my heart. Actually a bit south of my heart to be more accurate. More around the pelvic area, tangled around my ovaries and a…
Last week I got a cold. The sore throat started Thursday, intensified Friday and all weekend I’ve been holed up downing echinacea tea with Manuka honey swirled into it. I’m feeling slightly sorry for myself ok? No sooner am I finally healing from the laparoscopic surgery last month, adjusting to my diagnosis of endometriosis both physically but mainly emotionally, it seems my cleaned, newly relaxed…
A little over a month ago I had to leave work early. I was doubled over in pain at my desk. I made it to a meeting room without raising any eyebrows and phoned 111 with my symptoms and got told to go to the docs in the next few hours. The pain was in my left groin and shot like lightening up into…