I’ve been asked a few times to write a blog on this subject so behold everyone, here ‘tis. I get nervous hitting publish on things like this though as I fear I’m adding to the quagmire of ALLLL the opinion that mums face about the choices they make for their little ones. Because amongst all the opinion we can cloud over and sometimes fail to…
1.30am Baby is wriggling and writhing around. It’s been like this for 2 nights now around this time. Reflux? Colic? Who knows. I think colic, trapped wind. I assume she’s hungry too so I prepare to check her nappy by going to the bathroom and running some warm water in preparation for cleaning her bits with cotton wool. Yep I’m still using cotton wool at…
I am 2 days away from doing one of the things that I love and that is talking about mixed martial arts and mixed martial artists with my good friend Dan Hardy. In fact, in order to hang with Dan as he talks effortlessly about the smallest details of the fight game, I must study. Again, something I love. However, even with my dream job…