I can’t find time to: shower / clean the house / put the washing away / cook healthy meals / eat / drink / food shop / tend to my relationship / rest / sleep That mum over there is: still breastfeeding / so slim so quickly / fresh faced/ coping / reading a book while her baby naps / brave / nailing it That…
I haven’t blogged for a while. I’ve found it hard to work out what I’m doing here. Who would be interested? Am I helping anyone? Because that to me is the key. One subject that seems obvious for me to write about and that I enjoy now is motherhood. It’s taken a journey and a half to get to this point in my life and…
Something I’ve struggled with this year is the reality that a full time office job (although I’m lucky to work one day a week from home) is a bit of a sedentary life. I’ve worked in an office set up for years now. Almost 10 years in TV, 2.5 years at a record label (amazing amazingness) and before I went to uni another couple of…
So last week the Government announced more commitment to mental health services. Good. It’ll probably still fall really short of what’s required. But it’s a start. It’s only really in the last year that I’ve been intrigued by my own mind. Just how much does it influence my body, health and confidence? Am I limiting my own potential by clinging on to the tail of…
I’ve been meaning to press go on this post for a while now. So, acupuncture. One of those things many of us have no idea about how it works. Or if it works. Even those of us that have regular sessions and feel so much calmer and lighter afterwards don’t really know how to communicate the ‘how’ to our friends. I have read a lot…
Today is our penultimate day here in beautiful Majorca. You know the one. The day where you realise you haven’t packed enough ‘evening clothes’ and knickers. I’m also on the penultimate chapter of a book called Wellth by Jason Wachob, founder of MindBodyGreen. This chapter is called Live and amongst other chapters like Eat, Believe and Connect, the books ultimate aim is to help the…
So, since the capers of the April ectopic pregnancy and going back to work and pulling myself together (caveat: ha! within reason) countless people have told me that I should be a writer. That I should maybe write a book. But I’m like, apart from being honest about the IVF, endometriosis and our cervical ectopic pregnancy, what else is there? I’m pretty sure I don’t…
Today is the last day before I go back to full time work after 3 months off. By the time I post this I’ll probably already be sat at my desk trying to figure out what my login is. Did I achieve what I ultimately dreamed of in this time off? No. See here about that. However, I have for the first time experienced the…
You got me. I fibbed. Or rather, held back the truth, the whole truth. The sabbatical thing? It was all about trying to get pregnant via IVF. Well no. Not all about that. Say 90%. I wanted to make sure I was surrounded by comfort and freedom and daily options to promote happiness and calm into my world. To spend more time with the people…
So i’m just over one week in to 3 months of unpaid leave from my day job. First of all; eeeeeeeeeeeek! How lucky am I to: have a husband that didn’t balk at the idea when I mooted it over New Years Eve work at a company that supports your personal needs and desires as well as their bottom line have 3 MONTHS to…