**BLOG UPDATED WITH TIPS AND PRODUCTS LISTED BELOW THAT HELPED ME A LITTLE BIT….** —————————————————————— This is a blog I wrote midway through my pregnancy as I was experiencing a very weird condition making it near impossible to sleep. Oh goody, sleep deprivation before the baby’s arrival. Anyway, wanted to share as I’d never heard of it and consequently didn’t find anyone else in my…
So it’s almost two weeks since I started to lose my first ever pregnancy. Clinging on to the bathroom sink, rocking back and forth before the ambulance arrived, my body cruelly experiencing contractions. Right now I should be almost 8 weeks pregnant, willing on the 12 week scan to breathe a brief sigh of relief to have made it to that milestone. But. I’m not…
I don’t know what to say this morning. I’m lost. Completely. So I’m just going to let it flow here from my bed as the dustmen clang around outside. I burst into tears when I least expect it. Actually ‘burst’ isn’t the right word. It’s more of an uncontrollable hot pressure behind my eyes that begins to release really slowly at first as I try…